NEW! LE BEACH Tantasy Drops Face | Body MINI 5ML
LE BEACH Tantasy Drops Face | Body MINI 5ML
Your favorite Tantasy Drops now also in MINI version!
Ten reasons to use Tantasy Drops:
1. Homogeneous tan
2. Natural and gradual sun-kissed tan
3. Longer-lasting tan
4. Less streaks
5. Moisturizing
6. Easy to apply
7. High stability
8. Smells great with our signature tropical fragrance, NO nasty odor
9. 97.8% natural
10. Fast drying
Simply add a few drops to your face cream or body lotion et voila: it looks like you just got back from a beach vacation. Tantasy Drops provide a sun-kissed tan year-round without the damaging effects of the sun. Addition of Aloe Barbadensis extract (Aloe Vera) to Tantasy Drops provides a multitude of skin benefits, from flaring eczema to sunburns and minor abrasions
Aloe Vera contains antibacterial and collagen-strengthening properties.
After application, skin is hydrated and nourished, and its anti-inflammatory features reduce the appearance of pimples and calm flare-ups resulting from drying skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Certified Vegan
Cruelty Free